Maybe your’e using the Floating Social Bar plugin for WordPress and you would like a background color other than white…. but you can’t change it from the plugin settings or through styles.css: here there are some info that can spare you a bit of time if you’re willing to customize it anyway.
I’m using version 1.1.6, maybe the issue will be solved in future releases. That’s the plugin homepage:
To customize the background and top and bottom bars color:
the file “class-floating-social-bar.php” in “/wp-content/plugins/floating-social-bar/” contains the background and colors settings (search for “background” and “color”), you can easily edit it by using WordPress interface:
Plugins -> Installed Plugins -> Edit (under Floating Social Bar), on the right you have all the editable files related to the plugin.
Also the areas around each icon stay white, it’s a problem with the png file image stored here:
For my needs, at the end I modified directly the png file containing the graphics (if you’re willing to do the same, you will need to upload the new file to your installation directory on the hosted space/server).
It’s possible not to overwrite the file, instead changing name and folder references from the previous php file.
The white background around the icons can be changed to your color, or you can just remove it and make it transparent (it’s a .png, so alpha channel or transparency information can be included in it), so it will show what’s underneath, also you can probably use the file shown above, if you save it in png format.